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Simply beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful mood-piece, I would play hours of this

Deleted 4 days ago

i dunno man, i clicked and pointed at stuff

Deleted 4 days ago

??? bro all of this is in the game

Liked this a lot! I loved the style, the music, the tone. Really immersive and tense! I wish there had been more choices to make, since it felt very linear, but besides that I loved this

Has this game progressed beyond what I think was once a playable demo?  I remember playing it and reviewing it earlier this year/late last year and I think it was mainly a work-in-progress back then?

You have no clue how happy it makes me to see a dark dungeon crawl game you've made mixing vermis style aesthetic and the music is 10/10. please make more and more!!!


I hope it continues, so I might see what befalls my one armed soul.


Please, please, please make more of this. I am begging you on my hands and knees with tears streaming down my face. ShadowgateVermis is something I desperately need more of in order to survive.


This perfectly captured the essence of a classic point and click adventure

so cool!!!! u nailed the vibe sm


hi ,, d u want to make a collab??


Every game I play of yours is amazing! Love the style of this game.

This was really cool!  Looking forward to more as it comes.


It is really good. What i personally didn't like was the characters being a little bit too cartoony, but still we do need more dark fantasy horror. Like we really need more.

this was cool!! i hope you develop this game in the future or make a similar one, i love the vibe of this

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice to see a Vermis inspired game - Especially imitating the “print” optics of the book. I also fiddled a bit around to reproduce the look as a side project, so I must say, you nailed it quite well! :)

Unfortunately my decisions in the game had no impact at all? But I must admit, it would be hard to design and implement impactful decisions for a 48h game jam entry.

Nevertheless a cool and inspiring game!

Nice this was really great game I  like it anyway well done!

I've love to know more about the visual effects you used.  I know you talked about them in the video, but more details would be awesome!