Amazing little game! such nice nostaglia with the playstation graphics and very well put together. The upgrading mechanics kept it fresh while the mystery of the open ocean and whatever lie beneath kept good pace. THEY LIED! DON'T TRUST THEM.
This was a great game, very addicting. The gameplay was fun, story is simple but interesting. Managed to get both ending, the game was that fun that I was intrigued to see both. Overall, absolutely great. Can't wait to see more from you! 👏👏👏
Just finished both endings. Great little game snippet, better concept even... I could spend lots of time in a grind in some kind of endless growing mode, not gonna lie.
Amazing game, good atmosphere, no in your face jumpscares, yet still definitely spooky. I got a good scare when I was taunting a shark and another one snuck up behind me, love it.
*possible spoiler*
The only thing that I'm mad about is the wild goose chase i was sent on due to my own stupidity. For some reason, i completely ignored the squid statue when looking for the second ending and i got caught in the trap of finding a disk for the disk player behind the shop, only to find no disk, i searched for about two hours before i realized that i was stupid. (if there IS a disk, please tell me where, I could not possibly find it on my own)
this game is great though, highly recommend everyone plays it :)
very cool!! the design of the shark guy really messed me up haha, the low poly and pixelated mouth spooked me until i was sweating and he kept randomly popping right above me without me noticing
Really enjoyed this game, love the vibe and the loop is satisfying. I agree with others that it might benefit with slight adjustment in early game earning credits to get equipment felt a tad too grindy, even though I myself still enjoyed it. Unfortunately right after I had unlocked the first oxygen upgrade, my game crashed. So having a save feature is what I would need to continue playing a game of this nature.
Игра жутковатая, но когда понимаешь, что кучи хоррора в ней нет, то спокойно проходишь до конца. Несмотря на то, что есть пугалки, больше давит гнетущей атмосферой: какие чудо-юдо рыбы плавают на глубине? В общем, проект достойный и интересный.
Fantastic game, honestly could not believe you made this in 72 hours. I would recommend maybe making getting equipment in the beginning a little faster. The initial grind might offset some people. Otherwise had a blast with this.
I was super impressed with this game. I never thought that the underwater depths were so frightening. These are huge squids, or octopuses, I don’t know what they are. They scare me very much. Even though they are just static 3D models. Completed the game with two endings. This game gave me inspiration for my game. I think one of my favorite little indie games.
The only thing I can note is that it wouldn’t be bad if the ground had a texture.
A well-crafted gaming experience, you perfectly nailed an atmosphere of dread, despite the confines of a game jam's time limit! Really has the feel of one of those stranger, little-known PS1 titles.
Enclosed is my playthrough - Admittedly I didn't get very far, the well-constructed atsmophere dissuaded me from diving for more valuable ores, thus I sort of played the game entirely wrong, so uh... Ignore that part where I thought I was constructive criticising but I was actually being a dope that hadn't read the tips and hints.
the oppressive underwater atmosphere and audio had me holding my breath! also wanted to turn the game off after encountering the fish for the first time. this game made me proud to persevere instead.
I really enjoyed it, bit confused at how i was meant to figure out coordinates, mainly because i didn't know where 0,0,0 was in reference to anything. I got the ship ending but couldn't find the other.
bro, this type of stuff creeps me out sooo much!! i´m currently trying to write a horror short film about some people on a submarine in the deep-deep sea. i would be glad if I could capture even a bit of that horror vibe you had on this game, but it is hard with a small budget.
i´m gonna try anyway!
pretty good job, nonetheless. will certanly check more of your games out in the future. congrats!
Man, I had a shit ton of fun playing this game. I honestly found it very grindy at the beginning...but once I realized how much stuff you can get from mining other more precious minerals, the pricing made a lot more sense!
I got one of the 2 endings. I wanna get the second one. Now I wanna make small games like this one :D. Wish you expanded this even further.
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Solid, solid. I don't feel as if there was enough horror but maybe I just did not explore properly. 6/10.
Amazing little game! such nice nostaglia with the playstation graphics and very well put together. The upgrading mechanics kept it fresh while the mystery of the open ocean and whatever lie beneath kept good pace. THEY LIED! DON'T TRUST THEM.
that's a wonderful looking game
fun game
Hey, I wanted to play this ( (LATEST version)) on MacOS and it threw this error:
“oceanwork” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.
I tried multiple times but no luck. I’m on an M1 2021 macbook pro. Thought you should know!
Just finished both endings. Great little game snippet, better concept even... I could spend lots of time in a grind in some kind of endless growing mode, not gonna lie.
ima try to play it
That's such a great game. First played 2 years ago and every now and then I often play it again. Congrats (:
You did a amazing game in godot, keep up the good work
Amazing game, good atmosphere, no in your face jumpscares, yet still definitely spooky. I got a good scare when I was taunting a shark and another one snuck up behind me, love it.
*possible spoiler*
The only thing that I'm mad about is the wild goose chase i was sent on due to my own stupidity. For some reason, i completely ignored the squid statue when looking for the second ending and i got caught in the trap of finding a disk for the disk player behind the shop, only to find no disk, i searched for about two hours before i realized that i was stupid. (if there IS a disk, please tell me where, I could not possibly find it on my own)
this game is great though, highly recommend everyone plays it :)
very cool!! the design of the shark guy really messed me up haha, the low poly and pixelated mouth spooked me until i was sweating and he kept randomly popping right above me without me noticing
Really enjoyed this game, love the vibe and the loop is satisfying. I agree with others that it might benefit with slight adjustment in early game earning credits to get equipment felt a tad too grindy, even though I myself still enjoyed it. Unfortunately right after I had unlocked the first oxygen upgrade, my game crashed. So having a save feature is what I would need to continue playing a game of this nature.
this game was amazing
This game was really cool, I didn't dare tread the depths for the second ending though, too spooky for me
Игра жутковатая, но когда понимаешь, что кучи хоррора в ней нет, то спокойно проходишь до конца.
Несмотря на то, что есть пугалки, больше давит гнетущей атмосферой: какие чудо-юдо рыбы плавают на глубине?
В общем, проект достойный и интересный.
Классная игра!
Este juego me generó talasofobia
Fantastic game, honestly could not believe you made this in 72 hours. I would recommend maybe making getting equipment in the beginning a little faster. The initial grind might offset some people. Otherwise had a blast with this.
Cool game! Yours is the first video:)
I was super impressed with this game. I never thought that the underwater depths were so frightening. These are huge squids, or octopuses, I don’t know what they are. They scare me very much. Even though they are just static 3D models. Completed the game with two endings. This game gave me inspiration for my game. I think one of my favorite little indie games.
The only thing I can note is that it wouldn’t be bad if the ground had a texture.
10 of 10
I played this on a random horror games vid
A well-crafted gaming experience, you perfectly nailed an atmosphere of dread, despite the confines of a game jam's time limit! Really has the feel of one of those stranger, little-known PS1 titles.
Enclosed is my playthrough - Admittedly I didn't get very far, the well-constructed atsmophere dissuaded me from diving for more valuable ores, thus I sort of played the game entirely wrong, so uh... Ignore that part where I thought I was constructive criticising but I was actually being a dope that hadn't read the tips and hints.
Great game! Reminds me of Motherload.
Im trying to find the squid but my thalassophobia is kicking in lol
cheep but very very effective, loved the atmosphere aswell
the oppressive underwater atmosphere and audio had me holding my breath! also wanted to turn the game off after encountering the fish for the first time. this game made me proud to persevere instead.
esta buenísimo 10/10
no entendí el 2 final
I really enjoyed it, bit confused at how i was meant to figure out coordinates, mainly because i didn't know where 0,0,0 was in reference to anything. I got the ship ending but couldn't find the other.
Really liked the game! It didn't really scare me that much, but the atmosphere was incredible and I really liked the "grindy" aspects of it!
Really good stuff!
bro, this type of stuff creeps me out sooo much!! i´m currently trying to write a horror short film about some people on a submarine in the deep-deep sea. i would be glad if I could capture even a bit of that horror vibe you had on this game, but it is hard with a small budget.
i´m gonna try anyway!
pretty good job, nonetheless. will certanly check more of your games out in the future. congrats!
love it, but a save button would make it so much better instead of having to do everything in one run
bro this game is just dope i loved it, got some footy if anyone wants to watch 5/5
Man, I had a shit ton of fun playing this game. I honestly found it very grindy at the beginning...but once I realized how much stuff you can get from mining other more precious minerals, the pricing made a lot more sense!
I got one of the 2 endings. I wanna get the second one.
Now I wanna make small games like this one :D. Wish you expanded this even further.
this is honestly my favourite game on this website right now, enjoyed it a lot
Great! One of the best games i've played on Itch :3c