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This game is just awesome. I like the progression of the game, buying new stuff from the vendor really keeps you playing, but I think it needs a saving mechanic because it crashes a lot and most of the work I do just doesn't save when I log back in. 

I genuinely had a lot of fun playing this. even to the point where I was write down coordinates and drawing a map

i have one problem with the game and that is that it keeps crashing

Me too


nice game and all but one small problem, THE F%&$ING SHARKS.
they are everywhere and their tactic is to stay above you while your annoying suit yells "injury detected" "injury detected" "injury detected" "injury detected" "injury detected" "injury detected" "oxygen level critical" until you die and lose half of everything you worked for. without sharks: 8.5 out of 10
with sharks: 4 out of 10, because after a little while they make the game nearly unplayable, ESPECIALLY because of how grindy the game gets at some points.

i thought they were whales

Once you upgrade to faster swimming, it's a non-issue imho.

Its a very cool game!! I really enjoyed it!!! But I just couldnt find the second ending. But as a developer, im really surprised this game was made in 72 hours!!! This game really has the potential to be on steam!!! Great Job!!!

(2 edits)

This is a game with great potential, got the "Altar Ending". I think adding a compass would be a huge improvement, searching for the locations was annoying, since I had trouble figuring out which direction was +X,-X,+Z,-Z with 2 sharks in my back.

I thought there was going to be a jumpscare at the end, fortunately it wasn't, thank you for that, and for including a Linux build.


Export to pS1 iso so i can play it on my ps2 FMCB


It doesn't work like that, young fella.

I loved this game! I just wish that there was more to do and more treasures and challenges, though.

maybe some coordinates would help with not getting lost and a few ocean creatures like alien fish n stufff would give more life to the game.

it was creepy and it triggered both of my sub-mechanophobia and thalassophobia and it was amazing

(1 edit)

It's not really fun. The shark wasn't really scary, just annoying to get stuck under.

I spent about 20 minutes looking for the second ending, but as far as I know, the only coordinate I can orient by, is the depth meter -  I guess. I did find the thing the pillar directed me to by accident, but I didn't get much further. I don't imagine the second ending to be so amazing to actually look for it that hard.

Nonetheless, good work for putting this together in 72 hours. The game kinda sold it's PS1 look, except for the sea floor, which I don't think even had a material.

But at the end of the day, thank God I didn't have to see the Unity logo. Indie devs should honestly move to Godot ;)

Hope to see more from you!

Yeah, escaping the sharks is tricky, but it's not a problem once you get the Fins. To find the second ending you need to find a GPS underwater, some bodies are floating nearby the ladder, one of them have the GPS, now, orienting yourself with it is also a problem, you need to figure out the X and Z directions.

Oh I see. Completely missed those bodies.
Well I just got the second ending. Cool.

yeah but they become a problem after you get the first diving helmet (not the mask) which is way before fins, especially because of THE F^&*%ING SHARKS

it looks cool ill try it

Great game! I will post a video of game play later today but I found a bug and have a couple of gripes.

Bug*** You can "walk" the camera around as the credits roll and dive back into the water and continue game play.

Gripe #1: There should be a way you can deter the sea moose (shark) from sitting on top of you and holding you down/biting you.

Gripe #2: There's no clear way to exit the game either during or after you beat the game. You can't choose either of the 3 options at the bottom of the text scroll.

Very Good Game!
(2 edits)

This game was awesome. Please continue making this game.

you really got the ps1 style good but there is a glitch where you cant leave the game please add a menu

ı m sad because cant find him 

Search for some dead bodies nearby, one of them has a GPS device, they seem to appear once you got some advanced equipment.

Subnautica 3 is looking good

The escape key doesn't exit the game on MacOs.  It's customary to have the escape key exit the game when in full screen mode on a Mac.  As far as I can tell, there is no exit key whatsoever.

This game is amazing! I can't believe you managed to make it in just 72 hours. I have to say I'm impressed!

And the incremental, grindy gameplay is just fine for a short game like this, imo :)

(1 edit)

enjoyable game needed some more sea monsters tho, i played all way through and only encountered one.

Nice stuff! Here's a video I recorded about this game!

Though I like the concept of ps1 style graphics intermixing with deep sea horror, this game had too many shortcomings for me to actually like it. My main complaints is that the horror/terror element is way too underplayed, and that gameplay can often feel like a chore. The main threat which is running out of oxygen goes from slightly annoying to pretty non existent very quickly, and the other threat which is wildlife consist of only one creature which appears from shore level to the depths, is particularly rare and take like 6 hits to kill you, making it also a non problem. Even when you succumb to these threats the very exponential way in which you gain credits also makes the death penalty of like 25% a non problem too. So what you're left with is a janky mining simulator in which you're forced to be anchored back to base every few seconds so you can buy more upgrades so you can go deeper to get better minerals (and only that, since there's absolutely nothing else in the depths) so you can finally get off this planet.

On some more positive thoughts: the graphic style, the very concept of this game and the start of the game telling you you're stuck in this planet to do slave labor for a megacorporation I really liked. I definitely understand that it's very hard to make a cohesive and even functional game in the span of just 3 days as a one man army, but I still wanted to get my thoughts out on this game as I really do think this has potential and would love to see it make more progress and develop more in the future.

(also how am i even supposed to find the kraken secret through just coordinates when i have 0 ways to use these coordinates in anyway like come on man :( 


Hey, thank you for playing. I'm always thankful for any feedback, so no worries there. I can totally understand that the basic (grindy) gameplay loop isn't for everyone and that is totally fine. But you're totally right that a lot of stuff feels a bit underdeveloped at the moment. And like you said that's a result of the very short development time. Yet most of these are actually problems I'm focusing on for the next big update. 


As for the kraken / coordinates. There's a hidden GPS upgrade which will make your current coordinates visible at the top of the screen :)

I'll be waiting for it!!!

This game is easily one of the best indie games I have played in recent times. I am a young and aspiring indie developer and this was a huge inspiration for me. I love the ps1 oriented art style and am astonished that a game created for a 72 hour game jam could get me to play it for so long. One thing I would add to that game is a delay in between request to sell resources as you very quickly accidentally trigger the "you don't have any resources" sound clip.

Thank you so much for playing! Awesome to hear that that the game inspired you. Thanks! :)

Loved the game, the aesthetic was so reminiscent of the old ps1 days, I also found the "Hello" the shop clerk says oddly calming, and kept visiting just to hear it lol. Anyways, great game, I enjoyed it. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I got to say, that I was very excited about this game, but...I'm pretty disappointed.

The lack of a save system and a true sound departement, sure is extremely bad, that goes without a saying.

The horror vibe also gets pretty much ruined, due to the the very early revelation of a shark lurking around you (which I expected in much deeper waters) and it's constant appearances.

Overall, in its current state, it doesn't go over 6 / 6.5 out of 10.

I really hope this game will have bigger updates in which all of those problems will get fixed, because it has a lot of potential, that I want to see fulfilled.

the game takes less than an hour to beat....

(1 edit)

Edited my comment actually.




hey here's my first impression after 20 min even tho I dint get far. i might do a better review once i finished the game,

i really like this i hope you keep working on it. for the sake of this review ill assume your still working on it

i like it, its sometimes rally scary, the first scare moments i had in my first 20 min was when i first came in contact with the big shark/fish creatures, i was just swimming randomly not suspecting a thing  and when i looked behind me a giant fish was right on my tail, i think its moment like that which can push this game forward

there are some stuff that i think needs to be fixed in order to makes this a better experience, first off the first the first 5 mins aren't very interesting, i suggest maybe rebalancing some stuff like make it so you start off with more oxygen, also i read that you said that if a person is grinding for a long time there prop doing something wrong, so maybe i am just bad? but rebalancing some things like upgrades and value of items could be good too

then there the radar/ sonar that you can get for 50 bucks, i personally feel like it would be good if it had a timer that would make it go off every 5-10 sec or a key that you press to activate it cause i feel like sometimes it ruins the creepy vibe but maybe that just me

things i would like to be added
so the game in a way is scary and i like that, but i think it would also be cooler if lets say you where swimming randomly trough the ocean, and all of a sudden you hear a load sound, like a groan or something, this can give the player the idea that there a something bigger out there but is not sure of it, also adding more ambiance when it comes to sound could be good 

I totally love this game

Really enjoyed the game! I love games that have multiple endings and a sense of mystery. The atmosphere also was really good, I particulary enjoyed the loneliness and vastness you feel on the platform. I did however found the sharks more annoying than a challange, though i understand that they are necessary for a threat. Got the good ending first time and found the progression very satisfying. I would love to see this concept expanded in the future.


You should turn it into a HTML5 file and then people who can't play on Linux or Windows can play! (It seems like a great game and the graphics look like Tomb Raider or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)


This scared the crap out of me and I don't even have a fear of the ocean. Awesome job!

(1 edit) (+1)

love this game, would love to see a save system! that would make it more accessible for let's plays.


Dude now this is a great idea for a game. I love these PS1 retro feeling games and the new areas developers are taking them like with this one. :D

So I downloaded this game and I crashed I had to restart the whole game is there a way to avoid that? But besides that this game was actually amazing I haven't finished it because I was angry it crashed but overall it was good!

Still haven't managed to reproduce those crashes, sorry ;( There's a save system planned for the next update. Thanks for playing!


bro ima be honest the game is actually amazing and I would love to see new updates for this game!

(2 edits) (+1)

Fun little game, I had a blast! The upgrade loop is satisfying and the tiered minerals really discourage grind. The retro graphics work wonderfully, as well. Input customization and a save game feature would be nice additions, but the game is short and sweet enough that their absence doesn't really hurt.


is this a ps1 demake of subnautica??

(1 edit) (+1)

not any game with water is subnautica, and this game is completely different.

Really enjoyed this! Killed it with the retro graphics, especially the main character model looks great. Gameplay is very intuitive and I never felt lost or unsure of what I should be doing. The time spent to upgrade felt good as well. I personally didn't have any issues with the big boi (killed me once very early on throughout the entire playthrough), just added to *the fear* and served as more of a 'don't get greedy' warning on top of your oxygen levels. Imo that combo of factors keeps the stress levels exactly where they should be. Still have to go back and get the alt ending but very happy with the experience I had.


Lol I found out that even after finishing with the "good" ending, I still had control over the (invisible) character, and I was able to go to the ocean and pretty much keep playing, got both endings in one playthrough this way!

This is really interesting! I also suffered from the crashes others reported a few times; it seems like holding forward (and possibly other directions) while climbing the ladder will cause it on occasion? Not reliably, so there must be another factor, but it never happened when I wasn't holding a direction while climbing.

I really like the ambiguity of the good end, and the environmental storytelling of the bad end; it makes it very clear what happened without spelling anything out. I would absolutely love it if we got some more interesting sea life and an expanded gameplay loop; I hope you continue working on this and expanding it! 

Thanks for playing! Yeah I'm still trying to reproduce that bug, sorry for that

No problem! It really wasn't THAT disruptive. If there's any other information you want for debugging, I can try to provide it!

I mean every information you can give me will help me to reproduce it, so that would be great :)

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